Best 20+ WordPress Plugins for download | Best free WordPress Plugins


Best 20+ WordPress Plugins for download | Best Free WordPress Plugins

A WordPress Plugins is a tool used in WordPress which can make your work easy. At this time WordPress is Popular only because of it’s plugins and themes which they provide. You can do anything on your Website with the help of Plugins.

WordPress Plugins
WordPress Plugins

 Many plugins are available on WordPress. Here I am showing you the best plugins for WordPress.

  1. Yoast Seo
  2. Monsterinsights
  3. Akismet Anti-Spam
  4. Contact Form 7
  5. WooCommerce
  6. WP Mail SMTP by WPForms
  7. WPForms
  8. OptinMonster
  9. WP Rocket
  10. MemberPress
  11. CSS Hero
  12. WP Mail SMTP
  13. TinyMCE Advanced
  14. WordFence Security
  15. Google XML Sitemap
  16. Elementor Page Builder
  17. WP Super Cache
  18. W3 Total Cache
  19. Terms Management Tools
  20. Types
  21. Video Thumbnails
  22. Featured Video plus
  23. Search Everything
  24. WP Email Login
  25.  Classifieds

v Yoast Seo

Yoast Seo is the No 1. plugins in WordPress for seo which you will love. It has many functionalities and can be used for On-Page SEO. It requires WordPress Version 5.2 or Higher. It has free and paid version. Provides everyone the following facilities:
v  It Show three colour indication like red, yellow or green in front of every point.
v  You can customize your title and description according your way.
v  Schema Implementation
v  Provide XML Sitemap Functionality.
v  Automatically set canonical url.
v  keyword research with google ads and google trends
v  5 Million plus active installion
v  User’s can check their post and pages with SEO score and Readability Score.
Download Yoast SEO

best wordpress plugins for blogs

v Monsterinsights

Plugins alternative for Google Analytics. Require WordPress 3.8.0 or higher. Monster insights Gives anyone following functionalities:
v  Audience Report: It shows users that how many people came from which sources like which city, country, devices, from which age gender.
v  Behavior Report
v  Content Report
v  Ecommerce report
v  Search Console Report
v  2 million plus active installation
Download MonsterInsights for

v Akismet Anti-Spam

Akismet Anti-Spam check your comment and contact form submission for the spam. To install it require Wordpress version 4.2 or higher.
5 million plus active installation

v Contact Form 7

Contact Form plugin for Wordpress. Require Wordpress version 4.9 or Higher. Provides Following Facilities:
v  ReCaptcha
v  Akismet
v  Constant
5 million plus active installation

WordPress plugins for news sites

v WooCommerce

This plugin is used for creating E-commerce Website. Require Wordpress version 4.9 or higher

5 million plus active installation

Download WooCommerce

v WP Mail SMTP by WPForms

If your Wordpress website not sending Emails you can use this plugins. Require WordPress Version 4.9 or higher.

v WPForms

v OptinMonster

v WP Rocket

v MemberPress

v CSS Hero

v TinyMCE Advanced

v WordFence Security

v Google XML Sitemap

v Elementor Page Builder

If anyone wants to setup your page as you want then this is the best plugins. Required Wordpress version 4.7 or above

WordPress blog design plugin

v WP Super Cache

v W3 Total Cache

v Terms Management Tools

v Types

v Video Thumbnails

v Featured Video plus

v Search Everything

v WP Email Login

So those are the plugins which you can use in your WordPress Website. Happy Reading and Stay Connected with us for more knowledgeable articles like this. Comment Below if you want to know anything else.

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