Google AdWords Tutorial | Step by Step AdWords Tutorial

Google Adword is a Google's online Advertising platform which is used for promoting product or website through advertisement on search engine or google partner like youtube, gmail etc.. It is invented on 23 October 2000. 

With the help of Google Adwords we can choose where we want to appears our ads, we can set a daily budget for that, we can choose our own custom targeted location for ads, we can choose language for ads and like that we can do many things with google ads. So let's start....  

Google Ads

Factors on Which Google Ad-words(now known as Google Ads) Work

Google Ads work on three main factor. Which are as follows - 
  1. Cost Per Click(CPC)
  2. Cost Per Million(CPM)
  3. Cost Per Acquisition(CPA)
Cost Per Click(CPC) - CPC is an amount which is paid by advertiser for per click on  ads. It is usually used for website promotion or brand promotion on google search engine. It is work on two main factors. 1. Automatic CPC biding 2. Manual CPC biding.

Cost Per Million(CPM) - CPM amount is given by advertiser to google on per million viewer of ads. It is usually used for Video promotion like on Youtube.

Cost Per Acquisition(CPA) - CPA is an amount which is paid by advertiser for per lead generation or conversion. It is generally used for Sign-up forum, donate us forum, newletters etc..

How Google Determine which ads is shown where on Search Engine

Once auction start google look on two main factor for ad rank your maximum bid and your quality Score.

Ad Rank = Maximum CPC Bid * Quality Score

Understanding Quality Score

your ads position depend on your ads quality. If your ad quality is better, you can reach your ads even on low CPC bid.

Factor's on which Quality Score Depend
  • Your Click through Rate(CTR)
              CTR = How many people see your ads/ How many people click on your ad
  •   Relavance of each Keyword on Ad-group

  • Landing Page Experience
                Relevant and Original Content
                Easy to navigate
  •  Ad Text Relevance
  • Ads Format

General Terms used in Google Ads

  • Bids
  • Budget
  • SERP(Search Engine Result Page)
  • CTR
  • Impressions
  • Clicks
  • PPC
  • CPC
  • Quality Score
What is Campaign in Google Ads and How to Create Campaign?

A Google Ads Campaign is a combination of set of ad group(ads, keywords and bids). To Create a Campaign click on Campaign section situated on left, then click on + Sign, then click on new campaign. It is basically work on few terms like Search, Display, Shopping, Video, Smart, App etc. Here i am describing only its Search Network. You can understands it' other factor according to it. Remember its structure can change in future. But learning methodology will be same. So let's start....

After clicking on New Campaign, click on Website Traffic, then click on Search, Write your website name or skip it. Then click continue..

  • Write your campaign name
  • Select Network(Search, Display or both)
  • Click on Show more setting 
Set start and End date or Campaign or advertisement
Set Campaign Url option - Here set tracking template for your url
Set your Dynamic Search setting 

  • Go to Targeting and Audience Section 
select location to target. For customize location, click on Enter another location, Here type your location name or for advance search, click on advance search, here set your location, location wise or radius wise. Then save your location. Set location option by clicking on location option.
  • Select language - Here language means which anyone can type on search engine like English, German, Dutch, Hindi, Spanish, etc.
Audience - In this section search and select those interest area which can anyone search on Google search engine 
  • Next Go to Budget and Biding section
Here Type your daily budget
In Biding subsection, select your biding type like conversion or clicks

  •  Then Go to Ad extension
Sitelink and Google Ads

Here add your sitelink extension(means add other links of your website), Add Callout out extension, Call extension, location extension or other extension for finding more CTR for your website. Then click save and continue.

Now you are in next section of Campaign. Here type your add group name and then choose keywords for your promoting website. For choosing right keywords type Visit this page or Google Adwords Keywords Type Helps Then click on save and Continue.

Now You are in next section of ad group. Here type Final url for your website, Description1, Description 2, Description 3 for your website And then click save and continue. 

Now your ad is created. To check your ads. Go to Campaign section and then check ad group. Here you can edit, pause or remove your ads. 

If anything remain in this section or any query. plz comment bellow.

Thanks for reading.


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  1. What else you think about google adwords. Any Queries about it then comment plz. I will happy to reply you. Stay Updated for More type of knowledge or anything you want to know tell us in comment section.

    Happy reading....

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