Google Analytics | Step by Step Tutorial

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a Web analytics Tool Which is used for tracking and Reporting of Website visits. It is a Google product which is launched in 14 Nov 2005.

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Google Analytics all Features

Google Analytics is a very broad area where we can track any website's with different category wise. In this tutorial we only learn it's different type of  report categories and how they works. So Let's start...

  • Real time
  • Audience
  • Acquisition
  • Behavior
  • Conversions
Real time - In real time we can track those customer's which visits website in that time. To see real time engagement of visitor's click on Real time >Overview. Like this we can see real time visitor location wise, content wise, Event wise and we also check real time conversion of our website.

Audience - In Audience Section We can Check, how many people visit our website in a time period. In this section We track the visitor by different category like Active user's, User Explorer, Demographics, Interests, Geo, Behavior, Technology, Mobile, Cross Device, Custom, Bench marking, Users Flow.

  • Demographics - In this section we can check that which gender and which age group people visit our website.
  • Interests - In this section we can see which category people visit our website like sports, technology, education
  • Geo - In this subcategory, we can see which country people visit our website, which language people visit our website like english, dutch, german.
  • Technology - In this subcategory, we can check that which Browser or Os people visit our website, which telicom network they came.
  • Mobile - In this, we can see which Mobile device people visit our website like android, iOS, Windows or simple phone.
  • Cross Device - In this section, we can check which device people visit our website like Laptop, Smartphones, Tablets etc.

Acquisition - In Acquisition section we can see how many leads we get through different tools like google ad-words, Google Search Console, From social sites, from Campaigns.

  • Google Ad-words - Google Adwords is a paid way for promoting any website on google search engine or with google partner Sites. In this, we can promote our website three ways, Cost per click(CPC), Cost Per Million(CPM), Cost per Acquisition(CPA). CPA is Generally used for Lead Generation and Conversion.
  • Google Search Console - Google Search Console is a Google site which is used for getting index and crawl on Search Engine. It is also used for submiting sitemap. It is also called Google Webmaster. 

Behavior - In this section we can check site speed, site content quality and site search.

  • Site Speed - Means How quickly our web pages loads.
  • Site Content Quality - Content is King in a best quote. Here you can check, how much quality is your content.
  • Site Search - Site Search subcategory is way of checking that how much visitor stay on your web pages(Session with search subsection), Total unique searches, Result Page view/Search.

Conversion - In Conversion section we can create goals, create funnel report, check E-commerce Website Details etc...

  • Creating Goals - Here you can check how your website or app fulfill your target. it is used for finding and tracking that how many number of visitor visit our specific page like sign-up page, donate page, newsletter subscription etc.
  • Funnel Report - funnel report is a way of checking your customer's through graphical or chart way that how many customer's reach near to your goal.

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