How to index and submit sitemap for search engine | Google Search Console | Bing Webmaster


How to index and Generate sitemap on Google and Bing?

Hi Welcome in my blog Digital Knowledge Junction, Here I am giving you information on How to index and generate sitemap on Google and Bing. So let’s start:

Many people face this problem that they made their content and publish it. But when they search it on search engine like google and Bing. It is not index on Search engine. It’s reason is that normally google crawler checks every link between 3-4 months and indexed all after that. So it take that time. But if we want to instantly show our url or website on search engine then we could manually index them. For Indexing in Google Search Engine, we use Google Search Console and to indexing in Bing Search Engine, We use Bing Webmaster

Here I am giving you step by step process of Indexing and submitting sitemap. First we start with 

Google Search Console or Google Webmaster.

Visit Google Search Console
with your google account.
Add your domain name Here.
After verifying your domain with search console, Go to Sitemap section and submit sitemap. For Submiting sitemap, paste this line:
For Post Sitemap is:
For Pages Sitemap is:

 If sitemap successfully submitted then a success message will come in front of it.

To Check the errors, click on Coverage section located upper side of it. It will show how many errors available on your sitemap.

Now to index Urls and domain, click on URL Inspection and paste your URL here for indexing and click enter.
Now wait for few minutes and then click on Request Indexing. Then click on Test live URL. Now wait for few minutes. Now your url is avaible to index. Message will come like bellow image

Google Webmaster
Google Webmaster

In that situation, try again to index url. Repeat that process. A message will come like this if URL indexed.

Google Webmaster Successful message
Google Webmaster Successful Message

Bing Webmaster

Bing is the second most popular search engine. So You can also index your url here. To index a Url on Bing Follow these methods:

Sign-in with Microsoft, Google or Facebook Account. We suggest that sign-in with google. Because it connect your google webmaster setting with Bing. So you don't need to setup other things.

Now to Submit sitemap, goto Configure My Site Section.

Click on Sitemap and here paste those sitemap which you submitted on Google Search Console. Now your Sitemap is submitted.

To Index URL on Bing , Goto Configure My Site Section 

Click on Submits Urls, Submit your url here.

And if your URL still not indexed on Bing Search then Diagnostics & Tools section on Bing Webmaster and Fetch your url here. Hope your url will be indexed.

Remember: Bing Webmaster submit only 3-5 url everyday and in week its limit is 10.

Enjoy your journey. If still any queries, please comment bellow.

Thanks and Happy Reading........

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  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and knowledge on this topic. This is really helpful and informative, as this gave me more insight to create more ideas and solutions for my plan. I would love to see more updates from you. Using Google URL Inspection tool to Boost Website Ranking

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